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Come and try it & Beginners course 

These sessions and courses are organised by members and the committee, volunteering to put it together. 

Beginners course

A beginner’s course may take place over a 6 week period on a Thursday evening or over a weekend. Both options will cover about 12 hours, mostly on the water. We tend to run this in April or in the warmer months depending on Coaches, Leaders and interest 
We start off by getting everybody sorted with kit.  Boat, helmet, buoyancy aid etc. We will then make sure everyone starts getting to know each other and is ready to go on the water by doing a warm-up.
The course goes through the basics of paddling so it will mostly be focused on getting you onto the water and starting to be able to paddle around.
We will work on getting your confidence up and developing your skills in each paddle stroke to help you get moving easily on the water.
There will be multiple coaches and volunteers on the water. They are here to answer any question you might have, and also to keep you safe when you are out on the water.

Come and try it

This is an opportunity for you to meet members of the club and see if you might like to join. After making contact you will be invited to come along to a club session on a Thursday evening. We will introduce you to the club members and officials. It should be possible for you to join our paddle, depending on available coaches and kit and your level of experience.

You will find that we are a friendly group and that current members will welcome you and be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

​​If you are interested and want more information and know when we have either running get in touch via the contact us page.

What you will need to bring with you

  • Clothes and shoes. to get wet in 

  • Change of clothes and shoes for afterwards

  • A towel

  • Snacks and drinks 

  • Warm hat/sun hat 

  • Any medical supplies (inhaler, epipen, etc)

For cold weather

We suggest fleeces rather than thick cotton hoodies and to have thin warm layers rather than bulky ones. Also to have hats gloves and a coat that you don't mind getting wet. For afterwards to have plenty of warm clothes and a towel and it's always nice to have a flask with a hot beverage to warm you up.


For the warmer weather

It's more likely that you will be getting wet but the water can still be cold so things like wetsuits can be a good idea. If not, clothes that you are happy to get wet in. Remember to put sun cream on and to bring it with you to reapply. Plenty of fluids are important  and it can still be a good idea to bring slightly warmer clothes for afterwards.

Old trainers, water shoes or wetsuit shoes are all good for getting wet in.

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